e-Learning and Virtual World (VW) platforms provide affordances that may facilitate teaching and learning for sustainability. This course applies instructional design principles for designing virtually-based interactive learning courses and professional development courses addressing ESD-related thematic areas. Based on the instructional models of cognitive apprenticeship, situated cognition and problem-based learning, the course discusses the steps to be taken to design, create and assess virtual learning environments using tools such as Second Life®. Second Life is a virtual world in which individuals create a persona, or avatar, which is used to operate in the highly interactive virtual environment. The course also uses SLOODLE, an open-source Moodle® module for bridging communication between objects in Second Life® and assignments in Moodle® to enable authentic problem solving and processes, referring to ESD issues.The overarching goal of this course is to provide learners with an overview of theories and strategies related to the design, development and evaluation of online learning and courses.


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